Starting your own business might be daunting. So many things to take into consideration and not always you have the clarity of what and how needs to be done.
With Small Businesses Services Package SOEM Digital is giving those new-starters, a helpful push to move forward. We can assist your business from the beginning, from the moment you are creating the business plan. This is our way to say ‘We’ve got your back’, as we ourselves were just like you, at our beginnings.
This what we can do for you:
- Full Audit of current online presence, including competitor analysis
- Digital Marketing Strategy – topline
- 3 SM Posts per week and assistance with posting/ engagement
- Content Creation and Audience for 1 Ad Campaign
- SEO Business Page assessment and strategy recommendation
- Initial SEO setup and Google Analytics setup
- Online or skype assistance for your business – 2 sessions of 1.5h
- No setup fee for Social Media accounts ( FB, LI, IG)